Cartubi is a historic naval shipyard in the city of Trieste, specializing in the design, construction, maintenance, conversion, and naval repair of platforms in the offshore Oil & Gas sector, cargo ships, container ships, passenger ships, tankers, and yachts.


Who We Are

Cartubi Srl is headquartered in Trieste at Via K.L. Von Bruck 32, in the heart of the port area. The company is a direct descendant of Cantieri Navali Cartubi Srl, a company that operated in the naval sector since 1972 and acquired part of the equipped areas of the former Arsenale Triestino San Marco facility, promoting a productive revival of the naval shipbuilding activity in the Giulian region.

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We intervene on

Cargo Ships

We provide a complete repair and refurbishment service, ensuring that these vessels maintain high standards of safety and efficiency in the transportation of goods


The world of yachts requires attention and dedication of its own. The meticulousness and years of experience in the naval sector allow us to successfully intervene both in the hull works and in the interior finishing fittings.


Tankers require expertise and professionalism to ensure they are always at the forefront in terms of safety and performance for the transportation of oil and derivative products.

Offshore Platforms

Cartubi’s personnel is certified to operate safely in an environment subject to regulations, such as that of an offshore oil platform, ensuring a safe and efficient working environment both onshore and offshore.

Container Ships

Container ships require repair and refurbishment interventions capable of optimally managing the transport of containerized goods worldwide according to the required standards.

Passegge Ships

For years, Cartubi has positioned itself as a reference point for operations on passenger ships, offering specific services in mechanical works, design and construction of funnels and various components, new construction of load-bearing structures for the hull, as well as repairs and upgrades for passenger comfort.


High-efficiency naval contracts

Cartubi operates in accordance with specific safety and quality standards. The company’s operations are certified by the following external bodies.

